Friday, May 28, 2010

more on fog lamps: piaa


driving lights
"Typically, driving lights are mounted above the front bumper about 14-30 inches from the ground to provide extra high beam illumination. Driving lights can be mounted below the bumper, although they will not be as effective because the light will hit the ground sooner and reduce the range of the light.
Visual aim is made with the center of the beam hot spot 1.5 inches below the lamp center at 25 feet with the lamp facing straight forward. (See below.)"

fog/foul weather lights
"Traditional fog lights are usually mounted under the front bumper about 10-24 inches from the ground. There are two important issues to address when installing fog lights, the first is to minimize the amount of return glare into the driver's eyes, and the other is to minimize glare into oncoming driver's eyes. Both must be accomplished while putting as much light as possible on the road.
These fog/foul weather light aiming instructions are suggestions taken from common practice and the S.A.E. standard J583. Some modifications to these instructions may be necessary to minimize glare.
Visual aim is made with the top of the beam 4 inches below the lamp center at 25 feet with the lamp facing straight forward. (See below.)"

how to choose your lights

picture from: - visit their site for a crash course on automotive lighting.

what i've learned?

3 types of light
  1. driving light - midrange throw. enough for cruising. (eg headlamps)
  2. fog light - short range throw. installed below the bumper, less than 24" from the ground
  3. pencil beam light - long throw paired with driving light. ideal for rally and racing exceeding speeds of 80mph or 120kph

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fog Lights Installation

i'll be installing a pair of fog lights and i need a diagram to follow. where do i go? the net, of course! then i found the site: old burb club. the specs on the page is identical to what i'm working on. so, i'll post it here just in case. many thanks to the site and all people involve.

"This is the right way to wire a set of fog lights. The relay switches the heavy current to the fog lights with big wire, while the dashboard switch wiring can be very small. This keeps high current and large wires out from under the dash and in the engine compartment where they belong. A typical set of 55 watt lights will draw about 8 amps for the pair. The dash switch will pull only about 0.3 amps to operate the relay.
Be sure to run extra ground wires from the fog lights themselves. Don't depend on the cheap spring or case ground to work. Take the light apart if necessary, and add a real ground wire. Run these to the frame somewhere handy. This will keep the lights from being intermittent.

This diagram shows the wiring using a Bosch relay. These are found just about everywhere."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

mighty car

checking out a video from about rolling fenders led me to's own video on rolling guards.

also, check out their forums. there might be something interesting there for you.